
Shun-Luoi Fong

I help grow brands and increase impact through the power of stories and shared experiences that foster participation, belonging, and loyalty.Founder of A Shared Humanity.



“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” — Desmond Tutu


“We never remember days, only moments.” — Cesare Pavese


per·e·gri·na·tion [per-i-gruh-ney-shuh-n] — journey, especially a long or meandering one.


Artist Series - Cameron "Camer1" Moberg

One Question - San Francisco

Alliance Development Fund: Don Overton

the HOME project, no. 1 - Francisco Mosqueda

the HOME project, no. 3 - Blessing Adeyemi Mobolade


Marketplace of Ideas

Axis & Community Bible Experience

the HOME project, no. 2 - Joyce Christian

the HOME project, no. 4 - Elijah Fong


Art & Artifact

The Art & Artifact project was born out of a vision for creating experiences that invite people to slow down and foster deeper, more tangible connections with artists, their stories, and their work. Presented by A Shared Humanity (an experience design studio and brand+community incubator founded by Shun-Luoi Fong), the Art & Artifact project was a quarterly subscription box service in which artists were invited to create new art around a chosen theme, hand-select items that expressed their personality and inspirations, and mailed the art and artifacts to their subscriber community.Learn more about the Art & Artifact experience below, or visit

Art & Artifact - Sketch

A Shared Art
Fill your life and your physical spaces with beautiful art. The Art & Artifact box contains a new work of art from an artist you care about and is created for you to enjoy and share tangible beauty.

A Shared Story
When you receive your Art & Artifact box, not only are you receiving beautiful art and artifacts, but you are connecting in tangible ways with your artist's story. Their inspirations, struggles, perspectives, and doubts are just a few things that authentically contribute to the creation of your box.

Art & Artifact - Mountains
Art & Artifact - Box

A Shared Experience
At A Shared Humanity we pursue shared experiences that are honest and authentic. Art & Artifact is one way to share experiences with artists you care about, both through the quarterly box as well as through live gatherings.

Learn more at

The Home Project

The HOME Project began as a personal project to explore the idea of home, and what it means to different people. Meant to be short snapshots into people's concept of home, each entry was created quickly and intentionally kept simple. The HOME project is ongoing. New entries will be added as people around the world are asked, "What does home mean to you?"

City Hope

I had the privilege of partnering with City Hope San Francisco to listen to and show the stories of a diverse community of people who are living in and serving the Tenderloin neighborhood in San Francisco. The created images were displayed on the walls of City Hope's community center and shared at City Hope events.


I’ve learned a lot from my mentee. I’ve learned that it’s possible to have true joy in the midst of really difficult
circumstances when you have faith in our God, and when you feel like you have a purpose for being there.
I’ve learned that having a genuine friendship with someone who’s in your corner can really make a difference in whether or not you’re going to reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. I’ve learned that I have a lot to learn from my mentee, in particular because she has a very different family background than I, and because she’s grown up in a very different environment. She has learned a lot of lessons in hard ways that I have yet to learn.
— Korin


The Olive alley is cool when certain people aren't around—which is few and far between. Other then that it is great. I'm looking forward to the opening of the [City Hope Community] center. The family is great, so I know it will be good for everyone.— Ken, aka Flash


It’s amazing the things that we’ve accomplished in the last year, things that have never been accomplished in the county jails. It’s wonderful to be obedient to what God wants you to do. You know, we’re not here for show, we’re here for love.— Yolanda


I guess the hardest part is coming to terms with the mistakes I’ve made in my life, thinking about the effect they’ve had on people I’ve cared about, and knowing that sometimes it may not be fixed. I have to accept a lot of responsibility for what I’ve done.— Jason


What breaks my heart is that sometimes we never
look at life from a recipient perspective. I think we
often have our view of life, and we don’t stop to
think how other people perceive things. When we
allow others to get a glimpse of that, we can build
compassion in other folks. And I think loving the
poor the way the Bible lays it out for us is really
about seeing life from their view and seeing us as
— Paul


One of the hardest things about my job is when the
suffering really hits you. Sometimes you get used to
it, and you have to because you interact with it all
the time. People all around me interact with it all the
time, and deal with it in amazing ways. But there are
times when something just really strikes a chord, or
somebody you know personally...something know, it’s personal.
— Katherine

A Shared Humanity

A Shared Humanity is a portrait and storytelling project that shares the stories of people around the world, and celebrates the experiences and values that draw us together as humans.


"This skateboard is my girlfriend. She goes with me everywhere. I say, 'Hey, let’s go!' She says, 'No problem!'""Does she have a name?""No, no name. Just my skateboard."— Felix (Chile)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


"My passion is coffee and latte art. My dream is to have my own small home, a happy family, and my own coffee shop."— Meaw (Thailand)

Jordan and Katie

What advice would you give to people who are traveling?Jordan: “Look after each other. Go out and have a good time. Enjoy yourself. Don’t get silly. And don’t go out if you’re going to get smashed. Our friend got smashed and fell asleep in a tuk tuk in Chiang Mai, and got robbed of 22,000 baht. He fell asleep, they saw the opportunity and took it. He was held at knifepoint in a shed for about 4 hours. The only reason I think he’s alive is because he just got back from a tour in Afghanistan. He’s seen so much worse. He could kick the shit out of somebody and still be alive. So he was calm and just sat there, gave them what they wanted, and that was it.”— Jordan (Cardiff, South Wales) and Katie (Chester, England)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


"Everyone has a story, and I think that deep down inside each person is the desire to do good. The key is to find that in each person."— Peter (Bangkok, Thailand)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


”I love meeting local people in other countries. I was in Sihanoukville in Cambodia and I met a local family. They came up to me, but didn’t speak English, and I didn’t speak Khmer. We couldn’t understand each other. But we shared some meals together, and soon I was helping with a construction project on the beach. At first there were just a couple kids hanging out with us while we were working. But soon there were about seven kids. Other families started coming out to see what was going on, because they saw some guys and a bunch of kids hanging out on the beach building something. It was a great connection, and I learned a lot. It’s a memory that will stay with me for a long time.”— Fabio (Italy)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


”My parents weren’t rich, so they couldn’t leave me an inheritance. All I had was myself. That was the inheritance my parents left me.““I don’t have anything to give my children. I have nothing. I have just enough for eating and sleeping. The only thing I could do was send them to school. But when that was finished they had to work. I had nothing to give them.”“Leaving an inheritance is for rich people. The poor don’t have anything. It’s the same everywhere. We can just barely raise our children and provide for them a place to sleep, but we can’t leave them an inheritance.”— Somchai (Thailand)[Note: This was a challenging conversation due to our language differences. I didn’t speak Thai well enough, and he couldn’t speak English well enough. I tried to ask him what he wanted his legacy to be, but later discovered he thought I was asking him about material inheritance. He was difficult to understand as he attempted to use both Thai and English. After getting assistance from a translator, I have shared his thoughts as accurately as possible.]


“I haven’t thought much about the future. I just think about what to do tomorrow. Or even at the moment, what I’m going to do after this.”— Parinya (Thailand)

Karol and Olivia

”Have you learned anything new about yourself during your travels?”Karol: “Actually, no. Sorry if that’s a disappointing answer. We’re just here to get some good rest, have good food, and see some beautiful views of Thailand. That was the main purpose of our trip.”— Karol and Olivia (Poland)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


”The most important thing for me is to be free.”— Chris (France)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


”I was raised a Christian, but I quit going to church and developed a drug problem. I was kicked out on the street by my family. I was lying all the time. I was trying to be somebody I wasn’t. But people saw right through me, and they knew that wasn’t the real me. I was eventually redeemed from that, and when I quit drugs and started going to church, my mom was ecstatic. But I had been lying and doing drugs for so many years it was hard for her to take me seriously. I think sometimes in the back of her mind she was wondering if it was going to last. So, it took a while to rebuild the relationships with my parents, my brother, my whole family.”Now I really value honesty in my life. When you find your identity in Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you are to other people. As long as your identity is in Jesus, you can be completely transparent and other people will see that and notice that something is different about you.”— Joey (Houston, Texas, USA)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]


”Be happy. Do something you like, and find balance in life. That’s all.””Are you happy?”“Yes.”— Jaelle (France; living in Italy)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]

Sven and Doreen

Sven: “When I travel I enjoy climbing mountains, seeing the views, and imagining how tiny we are as human beings. And you really just need to go out the door and do it. Some people dream about traveling, but never do it. That’s a problem. When you travel you learn a lot about yourself, what you can do, what you can’t do on your own. And then you realize all people have the same kinds of problems, and that you aren’t alone. There are a lot of people out there that care about the same things you care about.”— Sven and Doreen (Germany)[Portrait created in Chiang Mai, Thailand]

Liya, with younger sister, Nita

"I don’t have time to play. I have to work all the time.""What would you like to do in the future?""I would like to go back home to live with my mother."— Liya, with younger sister, Nita (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)

I Choose

Partnering with the El Paso County Health Department (Colorado), I worked with high school students in Manitou Springs, Colorado, and Fountain-Ft. Carson, Colorado, to develop an anti-tobacco media campaign. I spent a number of weeks with the students, teaching them about the role of media in American culture, helping them develop their concepts and messaging, and creating images and videos. The project also included the creation of posters to be used by the county health department and both school districts.

Make Shift Happen

Making shift happen at Makeshift Society co-working space in San Francisco, CA.

Bote Nan Ayiti

In 2010, after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, I traveled to Port-au-Prince to work with Sister Ruth, an amazing woman who had dedicated her life to investing in the people of Haiti, providing education, orphan care, prison ministry, support to the local Church, among many other things. In the midst of a great tragedy, and a difficult history, I learned much, and saw first hand the beauty and resiliency of the people and culture of Haiti. It was a life changing experience for me, both as a visual storyteller and as a human.


In 2010 I traveled with two friends to the city of Trujillo on the northern coast of Peru to document the lives of people living in landfills and makeshift buildings on the edge of town. Our desire was to listen to the stories and perspectives of the people and communities, and to share them with the Christian and business communities in Trujillo, hoping to challenge people to care for others in their own community. It was a wonderful experience to connect with so many beautiful people and stories.


What I'm up to right now

  • Accepting new clients (Digital + Experience Strategy, Generative AI Strategy + Workshops)

  • Barkeep Landing Pages - launching May 2024

  • Formation Field Guides - writing about human formation design (more coming soon)

  • Enjoying life as a husband and father of four kids and two dogs.

  • Getting out and enjoying the Colorado outdoors.

Let's connect...
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Updated 01 May 2024


A bit about me

I help grow brands and increase their impact through the power of stories and shared experiences that foster participation, belonging, and loyalty. I am passionate about designing solutions guided by data and real human needs.Storytelling. Shared Experiences. Community. Strategy. Communications. Collaboration. Leadership. Culture. Creative Innovation. Humanity. These are the things that light my fire.

~Stories make us more alive, more human, more courageous, more loving.
— Madeleine L’Engle —

My work:

  • A Shared Humanity (Founder & CEO), a holding company and innovation studio that creates, incubates, and grows community-based brands that foster human connection and belonging.

  • Barkeep (launching May 2024) - partners with community-driven brands to craft landing pages that close the gap between first touch and conversion, connecting audiences to experiences that drive high-quality engagement, leads and customers

  • Fractional Chief Experience Officer (CXO) - Experience and strategy consulting for community-based brands.

~My ProcessListen. Learn. Love. Create.~

And now the important stuff. I’m husband to an amazing wife. I’m dad to four beautiful, full-of-life children. I love God and people, but far too often fail at both. I love to collaborate with creators and organizations to do work that contributes to a world as it ought to be.I am based in Colorado, but love to connect and collaborate with people and communities everywhere.Connect with me on LinkedIn and X.


Subscribe to my newsletter

I often come across a number of things that capture my attention, and I love to share them with my community!Subscribe to my newsletter to get the good stuff—thoughts, ideas, art, projects, and other interesting resources—delivered straight to your inbox.


Let's connect

I would love to meet you, hear your story, and discuss ways we can do great work together.

Thank You

Thanks for reaching out. I'll be in touch shortly.